25th Igartza Saria 2024 Nature Photography Awards - logo

25th Igartza Saria 2024 Nature Photography Awards


Nature Photography Contest (4 Categories):
1- Landscape - Natural landscapes with minimal human intervention. From the great landscape, the majestic, to the small corner that inspires.
2- Animals - Animals at any stage of their lives. Portraits, scenery or action scenes of animals (mammals, birds or others), whether in the air, on land or underwater. That they can convey the character or spirit of the subject in an original and exciting way.
3- Plants and mushrooms - Plant species in their natural habitat, including fungi. The small mushroom, the detail of a leaf or the force transmitted by a tree.
4- Creativity in nature - Creative compositions or abstractions based on nature's environment. Imagination, creativity, games of shapes, colors, rhythms; Anything that the author’s personal vision conveys the search for beauty in nature.

Maximum 4 works per category per author (maximum 16 works in total). Not previously awarded or selected in this contest.




1200€ in cash prices.
300€ each category winner.
5 finalists in each category.


Open to all who wish to participate.

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

Copyright of the images will remain at all times with the photographer.


Nature Multi-categories