Architecture Photography MasterPrize 2024
- Deadline: 31 August 2024
- Website: https://architectureprize.com/photography-award/
The Architecture Photography MasterPrize (APMP) recognizes exceptional architectural photography that captures the essence of built environments globally. With a diverse judging panel, APMP celebrates remarkable images showcasing architectural exteriors, interiors, and details, honoring outstanding talent and visual creativity worldwide.
Submission Details:
The APMP accepts submissions for both single photographs and series of photographs, allowing photographers to enter their projects across multiple categories.
Categories include:
Exterior Photography
- Bridges
- Cultural Exterior
- Historic Exterior
- Landscape / Urban Design
- Public Exterior
- Cityscapes
- Educational Exterior
- Hospitality Exterior
- Residential Exterior
- Commercial Exterior
- Healthcare Exterior
- Industrial Exterior
- Retail Exterior
- Other Exterior
- Exterior Details
- Sustainable Exterior
Interior Photography
- Commercial Interior
- Healthcare Interior
- Industrial Interior
- Public Interior
- Cultural Interior
- Historic Interior
- Residential Interior
- Educational Interior
- Hospitality Interior
- Retail Interior
- Other Interior
- Interior Details
- Sustainable Interior
- Inclusion in the press campaign directed to hundreds of thousands of architecture professionals, press, and potential clients worldwide,
- A profile in the online architecture directory, making it easier for clients to contact you,
- A feature in the Architecture of the Year book, distributed internationally,
- Online Winner Certificates,
- Winner Seal to promote your winning online, in print, and on social media.
Any amateur or professional photographer aged 18+ may enter, and submissions are open to people located anywhere in the world. Submissions are encouraged from individual professionals, studios and photography students. Eligible projects must be no older than 5 years. Winners are chosen based on a single project – not for a body of work, and major alterations to photographs should be avoided.
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
The APMP is very committed to protecting photographer’s rights. Copyright and ALL other rights remain that of the photographer. The photographs will only be used in relation to the award program, and to promote the winning photographers and images.