BBA Photography Prize 2022
- Deadline: 6 June 2022
- Website:
The BBA Photography Prize awards international photographers irrespective of their background with several Prizes incl. a solo show, cash prizes & more. The competition includes two exhibitions - one at Berlin Photo Week in September and one at Kühlhaus Berlin in October. Berlin Photo Week is a prestigious community event and industry fair. Kühlhaus Berlin is one of the city’s most favoured venues for cultural events.
A jury of experts debates the entries and ensures an unbiased evaluation and high quality standard. Photographers can enter between 1-15 images and compete for 5 Prizes.
The 1st, 2nd, 3rd Prize, the One Shot and the People’s Choice Award are awarding photographers for their visual excellence, storytelling, conceptual thinking, technical craftsmanship and subject depth over a series of works. BBA Gallery will feature the best applications through their social media profiles and website.
Over 18
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
We respect your rights and do not claim copyright for Photographs submitted. The artist will retain full copyright. By uploading your artworks, you hearby consent that BBA Gallery and partners of the Photography Prize, can use the images for the promotion on social media via organic and paid advertising. When possible BBA gallery will try to tag your full name or your social media account next to your work on BBA paid and organic social media channels. Your image might be used for promotion of either you as the artist or for a BBA promotion of current and future projects
Abstract Black and White Conceptual Environmental Fashion Landscape