Open Call – BBA One Shot Award 2023 - logo

Open Call – BBA One Shot Award 2023


The BBA One Shot Award is now open! Submit 1 image of any style, theme, or medium, and be one of 50 photographers featured on a large digital display at the 2023 BBA Photography Prize. Hosted at Kühlhaus Berlin, the group show provides the perfect opportunity to enter the international photography scene.

Our jury will select 1 winner who will receive a 500 euro cash prize. AI images, digital photography, film photography, mobile photography, and more are accepted.




Be part of the 2023 BBA Photography Prize group exhibition in Berlin
50 selected photos will be exhibited on a large digital display
500€ cash prize for 1 winner


Anyone over 18+ can apply.

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

We respect your rights and do not claim copyright for Photographs submitted. The photographer will retain full copyright. By uploading your work, you hearby consent that BBA Gallery, BBA Prizes, the BBA brand, and our partners can use the images for the promotion on social media via organic and paid advertising. BBA gallery will tag your full name or your social media account next to your work on BBA paid and organic social media channels. Your image might be used for promotion of either you as the photographer or for a BBA promotion of current and future projects.

