The International Portrait Photographer of the Year 2022 - logo

The International Portrait Photographer of the Year 2022

A global competition for professionals & amateurs purely for the showcase of portrait photography. We aim to be the gold standard for portrait photography worldwide.

This is our second International Portrait Photographer of the Year Award. Last year was very successful and we're gratefully encouraged to continue, following a similar philosophy to our popular International Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards (now in its ninth year). And because we want to create contemporary books, we're not interested in old chestnuts that have already won awards many years ago, we want to see what you're capturing and processing now. That's why your entries must have been captured after 1 January 2019 (so, within the 40 months or so, realising COVID has impacted all of us in some way).

The main aim of our Awards is to be one of the Top 101 Portrait Photographs of the year and be published in the Awards book. Will you be there?

There is US$10,000 in cash prizes shared between the overall winner and 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in each of the four categories, plus a printed copy of the book from Momento Pro for these 13 winners. The remaining Top 101 photographers also have the opportunity to purchase a printed copy of the book, or of course they can download an eBook version from the website.




US$10,000 cash prize pool, plus copies of the awards book and trophies


Worldwide, professional or amateur, portrait photography

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

The Organiser acknowledges that You retain full ownership of the copyright in each Entry.

All Entrants agree that any Entry submitted to the Award may be used by the Organiser, and its Event Partners, for the purposes of judging the Competition, and marketing and promotional purposes of the Competition.

Winning entries (including the top 101) will be used as follows and only with respect to promoting the competition:

• displaying the winning entries at public exhibitions promoting the Awards;

• inclusion within the Organiser's and Event partners' websites and magazines, an awards book, magazine or similar (in both paper and digital media);

• inclusion in future publications and websites promoting the Awards, such as a 10-year anniversary compendium of past winners;

• inclusion within any material promoting the Awards;

• sub-licensing winning Entries to the press (such as magazines and websites) for reproduction in connection with the Competition and any exhibition. Please note, these organisations do not need to contact you separately for permission to use your photo in connection with the Competition - you are giving us permission here which we will give to them;

• allowing viewers of the Awards website to view images on a computer screen, PDA or mobile telephone and store such pages in electronic form on disk or on a PDA or mobile telephone for their personal, non-commercial use only.

Non-winning entries may be used solely to promote the competition for a period not to exceed 3 years from the close of the competition.

The Organiser wishes to promote the Awards with the winners' images, but we don't want to prevent our winners from benefiting commercially from sales of their own work. A small number of entrants may need to be able to license their work exclusively at some point in the future and the Organizer commits to providing a release in such circumstances upon being contacted.


Portrait Self-Portrait