"Street Photography became recognized as a genre in its own right during the early 1930s. Street Photography is unique in the way it is associated with the photographer's skill in capturing something of the mystery and aura of everyday city living. The Street Photographer is then often likened to the historical figure of the flâneur: namely someone who mingles anonymously amongst the crowd observing and recording the ways the unsuspecting city dweller interacts with his or her environment"

Praxis Gallery seeks the submission of photographic art that explores the genre of street photography from all angles, including people, urban structure, and documentary subject matter. All genres, capture types, black & white and color, traditional and non-traditional photographic and digital post-production processes are welcome for submission.

Sarah Weiss is the Project Director at Praxis Gallery | Photo Arts Center. She is also an artist, Educator, and co-founder of CollabArts Twincities. She completed her MFA in photography at Rochester Institute of Technology. Sarah is active in local arts organizations, exhibitions, critique, and photobook groups. She contributes to the local arts community by creating exhibition opportunities through arts programing with the goal to help build an inclusive and energizing art community.




Up to seventy-four images will be selected by the juror for exhibition at Praxis Gallery. A Juror’s Choice, three Honorable Mentions, and a Directors Choice will be awarded and featured in the exhibition, the printed show catalog, and the online exhibit gallery. Juror’s Choice will receive free entry into three juried calls for entry of their choice and a complimentary exhibit book. Directors Choice will receive free entry into two juried calls for entry of their choice.


International, all accepted.

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

Artist retains all copyrights to their own images. The artist's name and photo title will be included wherever the photographs are displayed. Artists whose photographs are accepted for exhibition grant Praxis Gallery the nonexclusive right to use, print, and reproduce submitted digital files for the purpose of the exhibition, promoting the artist, promoting related programs and subsequent display on Praxis Gallery's website, social media, and online exhibition archives.


Cityscapes People Culture Environmental Multi-categories Street Urban