TINCAN Magazine Photography Awards 2024
- Deadline: 7 September 2024
- Website: https://filmfreeway.com/TINCANawards
The TINCAN Magazine is a perpetual container for the distribution or storage of culture, art, and its creators.
The TINCAN Magazine Photography Awards nurtures an aspirational community of creators who share important stories and influence the way people think through the global language of imaging.
All semi-finalists, finalists and winners will be listed on our website.
All winners will get a digital award certificate and official winner laurels.
All winners, finalists and semi-finalists will have their submitted works published on the magazine website, under the Artists’ Profile category.
All winners will be interviewed (in writing) and their interviews will be published on the magazine website, under the Artists’ Spotlight category.
The winners will be selected for each of the following categories:
*Street Photography: (daylight or night photography) – candid photography conducted for art or enquiry that features unmediated chance encounters and random incidents within public places.
*Portrait: artistic images capturing the personality of a person or group of people.
*Fine Art: images where the intention is aesthetic, revealing the subjective, creative vision of the artist (abstract, collage, landscape, nudes, portrait, still life, photomanipulation, special effects etc).
*Minimalist Photography: photographs that are distinguished by extreme, austere simplicity.
*Monochrome: artistic images in black and white or monochrome.
*Beauty: glamour-style portraiture, either artistic or commercial, emphasizing someone’s or something’s beauty.
*Fashion: featuring clothing, other fashion items/accessories, makeup or styling.
*Product: images that accurately and attractively represent products for commercial purposes.
*Travel/Tourism: images highlighting an area’s landscape, people, cultures, customs and history.
*Architecture: architectural photography, buildings or structures, interior or exterior, and any part thereof.
*Cityscapes: the physical aspects of a city or urban area.
*Documentary: providing information on specific subjects or events.
*Nature: focusing on natural elements such as landscapes, wildlife, plants, and close-ups of natural scenes and textures (aerial, animals, flowers, landscapes, panoramic, sunset, trees, underwater, wildlife etc).
*Sport: featuring any competitive or recreational sport.
*Wedding: featuring people and activities relating to wedding or engagement ceremonies, celebrations, or traditions.
*Photo Essay (Series only): images arranged to explore a theme, news feature, human-interest story, etc.
*Analog Photography: images taken using an analogue camera and film.
*Phone Photography: images taken using a smartphone.
The TINCAN Magazine Photography Awards is open to anyone, amateurs, and professionals alike. Entries are welcome from any country in the world. The competition is open to all forms of photography, from commissioned, published, unpublished, or personal work. There is no time or date restriction on when the image was taken. Photos with signatures or watermarks are not allowed.
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
All photographers retain full copyrights for their own work. Winners grant The TINCAN Magazine limited and restricted use of winning photos only to promote the photographers themselves and in connection with marketing The TINCAN Magazine Photography Awards competition itself. Details can be found in the Competition rules.