Urban Green and Blue Infrastructures (GBI) Photography Competition - logo

Urban Green and Blue Infrastructures (GBI) Photography Competition

Calling all photographers! The RECLAIM Network Plus is launching it's first GBI international Photography Competition! Upload your pictures of blue-green-grey infrastructures and nature based solutions to help build a bank of images that can be used for communications, presentations, articles etc.

Anthropogenic climate change, together with socio-political crises, are highlighting the relevance of natural environments for the survival and well-being of people and the planet. This is particularly visible in cities and urbanized areas, where the presence of green or blue areas is limited.

Scientists working across the natural, physical and social sciences, landscape architects and policymakers, among others, are researching the benefits of urban, green and blue infrastructures (GBI), also called ‘nature-based solutions’, in mitigating issues such as the heat island effect, noise pollution, or flooding, to help design new GBI in urbanising areas and retrofit existing ones in consolidated cities.

However, to better understand what GBI do, we need to know what they are made of, examining the biodiversity, soil, and air they are part of. It is also important to know who uses them and how, and who is excluded from their use and why. Their role in sociocultural traditions and events, how they are valued, maintained, accessed, and how they change over time.
We believe that to contribute to socio-environmental justice it is necessary to expand how natural environments (including GBI) look like.




There will be five awards of £400 per category.



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Nature Urban