Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2022 - logo

Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2022


Whether you shoot in the wilderness or at the heart of an urban environment, Wildlife Photographer of the Year is open to everyone.

You must not do anything to injure or distress an animal or damage its habitat in an attempt to secure an image. This includes flying (or flying a drone) too low or noisily over an animal – an animal’s welfare must come first.

Your images must report on the natural world in a way that is both creative and honest and ethical:

(i) entries must not deceive the viewer or attempt to disguise and/or misrepresent
the reality of nature;
(ii) caption information supplied must be complete, true and accurate; and
(iii) images must not portray captive, restrained, manipulated animals, animal models, taxidermy animals, and/or any other animal being exploited for profit. The only exception is when reporting on a specific issue regarding the treatment of animals by a third party, in which case you must make clear that the animal was captive, restrained, a model or a taxidermy animal.

You are responsible for ensuring full compliance with any applicable national or international legislation (including in relation to drones) and for securing any relevant permits (which, in the case of human portraits, will include the subject’s permission) and which must be made available to us if we request it.




For photographers aged 18 or over
Wildlife Photographer of the Year £10,000, trophy and personalised certificate

Portfolio Award £2,500 and personalised certificate trip to London to attend the awards ceremony

Photojournalist Story Award £2,500 and personalised certificate trip to London to attend the awards ceremony

Rising Star Portfolio Award £1,500 and personalised certificate trip to London to attend the awards ceremony

Adult category winners £1,250 and personalised certificate trip to London to attend the awards ceremony

For photographers aged 17 and under
Young Wildlife Photographer of the Year £1,000, trophy and personalised certificate


The Competition comprises an Adult Competition open to photographers aged 18 and over, and a Young Competition open to photographers aged 17 and under

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

Ownership of the copyright in any entry submitted to the Competition will remain with the copyright owner

