International Photography Exhibition 163 - logo

International Photography Exhibition 163


Be part of the longest run­ning pho­tog­ra­phic exhi­bi­tion celebrating photography from across the globe. Entries are now open for the International Photography Exhibition 163 (IPE 163).

This is an unique opportunity to exhibit in a group exhibition at The Royal Photographic Society in Bristol, UK, and other nationwide venues. Alongside a prize fund to support future photographic projects, this year we are excited to announce several new awards, including a 2-week solo exhibition and a photographic commission to create new work.

Exhibition selection is anonymous throughout, including the award winners, with a changing guest selection panel for each edition. The process is both rigorous and fair, where digital image and print work form part of the selection process. Each IPE edition is a unique celebration of photography today.

The information on this page includes all you need to know to submit your work to the International Photography Exhibition, including details of our Awards, our guest selection panel of respected industry practitioners and an extensive FAQs. If you have any further enquiries please do email the Exhibitions Team. We thank you for your support of the RPS.




A £4000 prize fund will be awarded to standout entrants, including an Under 30s Award. New awards for 2021 include a two-week solo show at the RPS and a £1250 commission to create new work.


Open to all

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

Images must be the sole work of the entrant but can include found photographs within the final work. Images must not infringe the intellectual property right of any third party.
The intellectual property of all entries remains with the photographer.


Open Theme